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Sign up to access the 'Complete Fashion Designer Tools' guide!

What you'll get in this free guide:

What equipment and tools you need for designing, pattern cutting & sewing

What apps you can use for fashion design

Book recommendation for getting started in fashion design

Direct links to the tools, books & apps mentioned on the guide





Explanation on what the tools & equipment are used for



Direct links to  tools I use in my fashion design studio!

Listed in the guide are all the tools I personally use inside my fashion studio

I’m a fashion designer and brand owner who is sharing my knowledge and expertise to help you in your fashion journey. 

Since starting up my label, my design have been featured on British Vogue, Elle UK, Yahoo Style & many more! As well as it being worn by my fave celebrities.

I know at the beginning it can be overwhelming to get started in fashion design so I created this free tool guide to help you take your first steps!

Having the correct tools & equipment will fast track your journey and motivate you to get started.

Cabrini x


Hi, I'm Cabrini

I help aspiring & beginner designers bring their design ideas to life easily & efficiently